How my Nintendo DS helped us change a tire

May 6, 2007 Off By Tommy Gun

It was 3 am this morning, and we were at a friend’s house. Some people were hungry, so three of us decided to go drive over to a fast food restaurant. I just went along for the ride. Well, this quick trip to get food resulted in some wrong turns, and getting pulled over for speeding (he let us go). Then, distracted looking for the right street, my friend ran into the curb, popping the tire:

We pulled onto a very dark side street, and got out the jack. My other friend flipped open his cell phone to use as a light, but I remembered I had my DS, so I grabbed it, and put it on the main screen (the most white). Here’s a crazy picture I took while holding my DS. You can see the jack at the top:

Too bad I didn’t have a DS Lite — four times brighter! I remembered I had a glowstick in my bag for some reason, so I got that out too (long exposure, it was actually much darker than this):

Since my friend was now “O-for-two,” I drove us back. It was an interesting night. Anyone else have some interesting uses for a DS?