The Ouendan Translation Project!

Ouendan.jpgWe have pretty much given up on this — people have posted text guides with translations, and that’s probably good enough at this point.

This is an in-progress translation project for the game “Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan.” You can help out by translating the images into any language!


We will be uploading ALL of the images you need! (Not counting the “fail” scenes.) The images are broken up into separate folders for each stage. Each folder contains jpegs numbered in order starting from “01.jpg”. To indicate where a new section of the song starts, there is an “x” in some of the file names (e.g. “13x.jpg”). It is your job to arrange the photos, and overlay the translated text. Not all photos are necessary, some are even duplicates, but we included them all to help you understand the flow of the story.

We would like to archive all the completed images here, in as many languages as possible (but of course our main focus is English).

We hope to also offer “blank” templates of each stage. That is, all the (important) photos arranged in order, so all you need to do is overlay the text. We don’t have time to do it, though, so if you’re doing a translation, please send us the blank versions too!

You are free to use these images for other purposes, such as a funny fake translation, a collection of all the cameo appearances in the game, and so on. Please give us credit for the images, but also please send us your finished work! We’d love to see it, and even host it if it’s good!

Format of the Final Image:

You can do it any way you choose, but we would prefer the following format:

  • A single image for each stage. 800px width seems good, then make the height as long as you need (if it’s really long, consider making the images a bit smaller).
  • The very top should say which stage it is, including the song. Something like, “Ouendan Stage 2-3 : Matsuri Competition : 175R – Melody”. You can get the names from our guides.
  • The bottom of the image should have our credit text, url, and logo if possible.


    Screenshots taken by Tommy Gun for “The Ouendan Translation Project”

    The Ouendan Translation Project!

    This translation by [your name here]

    In the zip file we have included a sample image (view here) to give you an idea of what we’re looking for, as well as our logo and credit text in psd format and gif. Add your own name to the end.

  • You can arrange the photos however you want. Since it was meant to be read from right to left, you may want to arrange them that way–just make sure you put some text at the top reminding everyone!
  • Please use a nice clean font (NO COMIC SANS!). We also recommend (if using photoshop) to use white text, a thick black stroke (3pt), and a drop shadow. This is what we used on our sample image.

Download Zipped Raw Screenshots:

These have been cropped, (softly) color corrected, and saved as jpegs (“Very High” quality). Each image shows both screens (with space in between), so you’ll have to cut them out.

–link removed– Zip Collection #1 (10MB) — Stages: 1-1-exam, 2-1-secretary, 2-2-horserace, 2-3-matsuri