How my Nintendo DS helped us change a tire
It was 3 am this morning, and we were at a friend’s house. Some people were hungry, so three of us decided to go drive over to a fast food restaurant. I just went along for the ride. Well, this quick trip to get food resulted in some wrong turns, and getting pulled over for speeding (he let us go). Then, distracted looking for the right street, my friend ran into the curb, popping the tire:
We pulled onto a very dark side street, and got out the jack. My other friend flipped open his cell phone to use as a light, but I remembered I had my DS, so I grabbed it, and put it on the main screen (the most white). Here’s a crazy picture I took while holding my DS. You can see the jack at the top:
Too bad I didn’t have a DS Lite — four times brighter! I remembered I had a glowstick in my bag for some reason, so I got that out too (long exposure, it was actually much darker than this):
Since my friend was now “O-for-two,” I drove us back. It was an interesting night. Anyone else have some interesting uses for a DS?
You guys are so darn lucky. I got pulled over for “speeding” today and I tried my damnedest to get out of it and he still gave me a ticket. The guy was a real dick too. I was acting terrified to try to get him to maybe show some sympathy, showing him I knew he was way above me in standing, being the big bad cop (sarcasm) that he was. I was pulling off my best genuinely terrified of getting a ticket act, but all he did was yell at me like I was some sort of criminal. I really felt belittling. So hopefully he crashes on his bike somewhere someday for being a rotten person. It’s a good thing I didn’t let my true feelings out, because I actually detest police officers and would like nothing more than to scream back at them when they’re asses for no good reason. I told one off last Halloween just because I was feeling bold that night and he harassed me without a good reason (I made a wise crack about them as they went by something along the lines of, “oh the cops. what, you lookin’ at us” as their car passed us when we were walking. The windows must have been open a crack or something.)
And yeah, the DS is pretty damn bright. I play at my desk in the dark, and it illuminates the room a significant amount.
I forgot to mention the best part about getting out of the ticket: my friend was wearing a pimp hat at the time. The cop was going to give us a warning, but then “he got another call.”
That funny and really cool! It’s awesome!!
I wish that could’ve helped me when I locked my keys in my car yesterday. A metal coat hanger to the rescue as usual.
[quote comment=”1607″]I forgot to mention the best part about getting out of the ticket: my friend was wearing a pimp hat at the time. The cop was going to give us a warning, but then “he got another call.”[/quote]
LMAO a pimp hat? Your friend has balls facing a cop like that. Cops scare me.
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